May 30, 2024

Wellness Wiggle 2024

We recently participated in the 4th Annual Wellness Wiggle, presented by the Region VI Behavioral Health Board Children's Mental Health Subcommittee.. Children and their families followed a path at the Portneuf Wellness Complex, stopping by different tables from community organizations along the way. There were games like hopscotch, soccer, and jump ropes to encourage everyone to move their bodies on a beautiful spring day!

Photo courtesy of Chessie Meyer
Photo courtesy of Chessie Meyer

Children received stamps in their wellness passports along the way, and celebrated filling up their passports with snacks and a T-shirt at the end of the path. The event really highlighted many of the wellness resources available here in our community and emphasized how moving your body, whether on a walk or hula hooping in your backyard, is something positive you can do every day for your mental health.